Monday, September 25, 2006

Forgive the week's delay in updating this blog, but thanks to some stressful days, last week of work (outside the home), and possible bout of tendonitis in my hip (making it impossible to walk without pain), I haven't been online for a few days and honestly did nothing with the Zaken business last week. However, now that I am home full time, with nothing better to do (except clean, which it still hurts too much to do much of), I figured I would get started.

Current Progress

I have decided to spend a minimum of an hour and a half every day--45 minutes in the morning and 45 in the afternoon making phone calls. Today I am spending more, because I found someone who is interested, but he said to call his wife at the office and she's not going to be in for at least another half hour. I'm eager to see how this works out.

This was actually the last person I reached after calling a whole list of companies. All the entries under "Manufacturing" in the local phone book turned out to be useless. A lot of them were companies that represent manufacturers, and therefore have no warehouse. One of them gave me a number where I could call and get a list of local US side manufacturers (US side because we live so close to the border of Mexico that they have to specify which side of the Rio Grande River!). I called and gave them my email. If I don't get that list in a couple of days, I will call back and see what happened.

What looks like it will be my best bet from the phone book is the list of importers. For some reason, the first entry turned out to be a day care center, and the second one no one answered. The third one is the guy I mentioned above that told me to call his wife. He sounded very interested. He also spoke very little English, so it's a good thing I speak Spanish! I loosely translated my spiel to him, and he sounded very interested.

It's about a week and a half since we got the Quiksell course. That leaves us with about two and a half weeks to test it. If I can get at least one contact a day that has merchandise to liquidate, it shouldn't be long before I get a commission. At least, I hope so.

If there are any associates out there that are reading this blog, if you would like to share your experiences, you may do so by posting a comment. I would like to see how this is working for others. Everyone has unique perspectives and opportunities to contribute. For example, being so close to Mexico, I have a potential advantage with local importers, since I am locally based. I expect this will be one of my best sources of products (though I could be counting my chickens before they hatch). We'll see what happens.

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