Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Latest Update

I'm sure everyone that is monitoring this blog is dying to know how I'm doing, so I thought I'd give you a quick update.

On Monday and Tuesday, I spent a little over an hour each day making phone calls. The importer section of the local phone book has proved to be the most productive. In those two days, I found 4 companies with excess merchandise. However, all 4 companies are currently in the "let me check my warehouse and see what exactly we have" stage. Two of them know what but not how much, the other two don't know what for sure.

This made me realize that it's not quite as simple as they make it in the manual makes it out to be. It might take a few days from the time you find a lead to the time you get the information about it off to Zaken. But I figure I have at least two weeks yet before the course is due back, so I'm not worried. The more I deal with the company (Zaken), the more I feel it has to be legit. How could they make money if they weren't really in the liquidation business? If they only made money off of stuff people order from them (courses, stationery, directories, etc), how could they maintain such a sophisticated office system (if you call their main office, you get a list of several phone options, and some of those options have more than one person at the end of them). Why would they have such a big facility (you can see pictures at their website). I know there are people that complain that the business isn't what it was advertised to be. Maybe so. I would like to see them un-sensationalize their ads a bit. But honestly, just think what it would take to get into such a business on your own--all the money it would take, for instance. They make it very easy for you. So I'm not complaining.

So far today I haven't done much calling (thanks to a head cold), but was able to eliminate a few numbers (one dealt in fresh produce, and the others were wrong numbers) and send one company my business card (by fax--don't you love technology). I have a goal of finding at least one lead every day. Considering that my last two days netted me two each, I figure if I don't find one today, it's ok. I got a list of local manufacturing companies and spent an hour or so trying to sort out the ones that make consumer products and copying the information to my list of places to call. Whatever happens, I don't ever want to run out of leads.

I think I'm going to go eat lunch and then take a nap. If there's any time left, I might make a few more calls. I probably won't make another post on this blog until I have some definite progress to report (such as finishing my end of a deal with a company), but feel free to write if you want to know how things are at the moment.


nick said...

Hello!! Just wanted to see if you have an update!!!It's December 10th now, and i just recived the mailer from zaken yesterday and was just wondering how you are doing with the company. It sounds legit but there are little things here and there that i dont like. Well hope to hear from you soon.
Best of luck.

Coopersmom said...

Thank you for your postings. I have recently started the program, and also have my doubts about their biz practices based on such bad press. However, my first 2 leads are friends who have small biz manufacturing companies in household goods, so I'm curious to see how they will be received. My first attempt to call Zaken was simple and helpful. I spoke to a "business coach" who answered my questions sufficiently (without any hold time). I did not purchase any extra materials, nor do I plan to do so. I'll keep posting, but would love to hear from someone who has actually had success with this.

A Cautious Optimist

chaney said...

My wife and I have just purchased the QuickSell course and are nearly ready to get started. I ran across your blog today and am curious about your successes since your last entry on 9/27/06. Are you still doing the business? I would love to see another entry in the blog from you.

Yeraj said...

Your last post was in Sep. 2006. Any further developments or are you so busy with this it's hard to find the time to update. :-)

I received the big envelope from Zaken today and have been researching to see if it feels legit or not. Apparently, according to they've changed their ways for the better.


Bay Area Knitter said...

I actually just ordered my kit this morning... and I have decided to go ahead and document my experience as well... Feel free to look at and comment my blog... There is a link in my profile... I'd also love to hear from Thurleen, Coopersmom, and chaney to see how you are doing with the biz...

sgworks said...

I just saw the Zaken ad in Income Opportunities magazine, just got it did not even sign up for, probably due to my on line activities. Starting a web site dedicated to helping people get started in internet marketing, see:


Now the Zaken ad is almost unbelievable and seraching google looks like it's mixed reports on wheter it is a scam, and from this post it looks like "surprie surprise" you have to work hard to make a little bit of money. I think I will stick with my on line plans to not deal in real mechandise - information on the internet is the key and exploring on line shopping looks good - if you don';t deal with the products!

Market research is the key and you have to learn and it takes time - "surprise surprise"! I am working on getting people started for free so again if you have a minute it may help you if Zaken does not work out:


Thanks and best of success to all!

- Stuart